Not all opportunities are created equal. We’ll teach your team to recognize and uncover the key information that will determine if there is an opportunity worth pursuing. Your salespeople need to identify the PROBLEM the prospect is experiencing and to determine the IMPACT of the problem on the business and/or the individual they are dealing with.
At any time, companies face a variety of problems, some of which are more important than others. We teach your salespeople how to ask the right kinds of questions that will determine if the prospect is likely to take action now or in the near future to fix the problem. ​
Our selling methodology focuses on how to interact with prospects in the best way to uncover problems and to understand if the prospect is likely to take action to solve these problems in the near future.
Creating the Problem Identification Chart
In order to solve a customer’s problems with your product or service, you have to know where these problems exist. We will help you build a living document that will identify:
What problems your product or services solve
In what companies, divisions or departments you will find these problems
What the impact of the problem(s) is on the company and your contact(s)
What the root cause is of the problem(s)
How your products solve the problem(s)
Although our core content is the same, we take into account your particular situation when designing the curriculum for your company, focusing on these variables:
Length of sales cycle
Deal size
Ideal customer profile
Sales team experience
We train your sellers and sales leaders via weekly one-hour sessions over a period of approximately 10 - 12 weeks. After the course is completed, we reinforce and ingrain the information through ongoing bi-weekly meetings; and subsequently move to monthly one-hour sessions.
We monitor how our sales methodology is being used in real world situations by reviewing recorded web-based calls or by joining in on calls where it is deemed appropriate. We provide input to the seller in 1:1 coaching sessions where these calls are reviewed.
We engage at various levels with your team, depending on if the seller is experienced and successful, or if the seller is new or is struggling. We look at our training and content through the seller’s point of view and answer these questions:
Why is this in my best interest?
Will I learn how this works in my selling environment?
Can I practice it on an opportunity in my sales pipeline?